
  • Bonaventure, Commentary on Ecclesiastes (Works, vol. 7) -- A solid biblical exegesis of Ecclesiastes. He does use the Apocrypha, but his biblical theology is sufficient to overcome such deficiencies.  Augustinian with minor modifications using Aristotle’s natural philosophy.
  • Charles Bridges, Ecclesiastes (Geneva Commentary) -- Helpful. Biblical and pastoral.
  • Duane A. Garrett, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (NAC) -- More balanced than his Proverbs and generally edifying.
  • John Gill, Ecclesiastes, in Exposition of the Old and New Testaments, vol. 4 -- Solid biblical exegesis informed by ancient and medieval Jewish sources.
  • Martin Luther, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Last Words of David (Luther’s Works, vol. 15) -- Very helpful mediation on Ecclesiastes. (Luther at one point appears to defend soul sleep.)
  • Roland Murphy, Ecclesiastes (WBC) -- Highly technical. I did not end up using it sufficiently to comment on its technical value. Extremely low view of Scripture: “The king fiction, which it is generally agreed does not extend beyond chap. 2...” (12).